OCU chides Filaret for "violating the canons"

From left to right: Joasaph Shibaev, Epiphany Dumenko, Filaret Denisenko. Photo: UA.Info

On October 30, 2021, the head of the OCU Epiphany Dumenko chided the head of the UOC-KP, Filaret Denisenko, for "violating the canonical order and statute" of the OCU.

According to Epiphany, “from the publication of a written message and photographs on October 29, 2021,” he became aware “of a number of clergymen committing actions in Kyiv aimed at violating the canonical order and ecclesiastic Statute.”

He reminded the head of the UOC-KP Denisenko that “the only chancellor of the Kyiv Eparchy is the primate of the OCU, whereas “honorary patriarch” Filaret remains part of this structure, however, “he has lost his canonical rights and responsibilities related to the administration of the diocese.”

Dumenko stressed that Filaret is forbidden to "perform episcopal ordinations" and basically all actions that constitute "the exclusive prerogative of the ruling bishop."

Epiphany warned Denisenko that if he once again dared to perform the “rite of episcopal ordination”, then this rite, “as the one performed in a state of prohibition, anticanonically, and over persons who were not properly elected by the Church for episcopal ministry, wouldn't be recognized as valid now and cannot be recognized in the future."

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that, according to Filaret Denisenko, the OCU is a non-canonical Church, and the “hierarch” of the UOC-KP Josaph Shibaev said that he and his vicar “bishop” had never been part of the OCU.

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