At a meeting with Biden, the Pope calls him a good Catholic

Joe Biden and the Pope. Photo:

On October 29, in the Vatican, during a meeting with US President Joe Biden, Pope Francis called him a good Catholic in a tete-a-tete conversation and blessed him to continue to receive Holy Communion despite Biden's support for abortion, reports.

The meeting between Biden and Pope Francis lasted one hour and fifteen minutes and became a record longest.

After the meeting, Joe Biden called the conversation with the pontiff wonderful, noting that they were able to discuss a lot.

First of all, Biden and the Pope considered the problem of climate change, as well as the upcoming climate summit in Glasgow and the COVID pandemic. The topic of abortion was not discussed.

Biden noted Pope Francis for his leadership in the fight against the climate crisis, as well as his active support for ensuring an end to the pandemic for all through the distribution of vaccines and an even recovery of the global economy, according to the press service of the White House.

As it was previously reported, Catholic Biden stated he is deeply committed to legalized abortion.

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