Phanar disgraced: Greeks comment on merger of Filaret with Old Calendarists

Representatives of the schism from Greece and Ukraine. Photo:

Hypocrisy, charlatanism, schism – such comments are left by the Greeks under the news that Filaret Denisenko accepted the schismatic structure of the Old Calendarists from Greece in the UOC-KP, headed by "Metropolitan" Auxentios Marines.

Internet users are interested in what the representatives of the Greek Churches who commemorate the head of the OCU Epiphany Dumenko will say after that.

“They've turned the Church into a thousand pieces,” one commentator said.

People refer to what happened as "hypocrisy", "complete mess", "charlatanism" and "shame", noting that it is impossible to bring peace to the Church in this way.

"Bartholomew, you did well ..." write the Greeks.

As the UOJ reported, on October 23, 2021, at the "Council" of the UOC-KP, it was decided to accept the structure of the Old Calendarist schism from Greece, headed by "Metropolitan" Auxentios Marines. After the merger, the Greek “hierarch” received the title of Chersonesos and Aegina, while the UOC-KP grew by 70 “priests”, 50 “monks” and 10 monasteries.

Recall that Epiphany Dumenko calls Filaret a member of the OCU, while Filaret himself considers himself "the patriarch of all Rus-Ukraine".

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