Glory to OCU: Ivano-Frankivsk mayor says why UOC community lost the church

Nazariy Kishak. Photo: Kishak's Facebook page

Nazariy Kishak, adviser to the mayor of Ivano-Frankivsk, said on his Fb page that the eviction of the UOC community from the church is an act of justice, which the authorities won together with conscious patriots, and added there is no place for the UOC in the history that the kids of Ivano-Frankivsk will study.

Kishak quoted Bandera as saying that "there can be no common language with the Muscovites" and published a historical excursion into the church, after which he cited a number of make-believe facts: that the Synod of the UOC allegedly recognized Crimea as Russian; that the UOC claims that God does not hear prayer in Ukrainian; that the Lavra sells anti-Ukrainian literature; that priests refuse to perform the funeral service for Ukrainian soldiers who die in the Donbas, and so on.

Kishak ended his publication with the slogan "Glory to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine" and the hashtag "Get the enemy priest out".

As a reminder, in May 2021, the police opened criminal proceedings on the fact that Nazariy Kishak, the adviser to the Ivano-Frankivsk mayor, called on his Fb page to “purge the monasteries” of the UOC and “expel the priests”.

The city authorities of Ivano-Frankivsk have been trying for a long time to evict the Holy Transfiguration community from the rented premises. The case went through all instances of Ukrainian justice and was considered by the UN Human Rights Committee, which blocked the decision of the Lviv Economic Court of Appeal of October 15, 2019, ordering the Ivano-Frankivsk diocese to vacate the rented premises.

On October 13, the mayor of Ivano-Frankivsk Ruslan Martsinkiv announced the final victory in the case of evicting the UOC community from the Transfiguration church of the Ivano-Frankivsk diocese.

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