UOC Сhancellor: Intruding into Ukraine Phanar deceived Churches and himself

The visit of the Phanar head to Ukraine played against him. Photo: pomisna.info

Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople lied to the Local Churches that the Ukrainian people want to receive autocephaly and support the legalization of schismatics, Metropolitan Anthony of Boryspil and Brovary wrote on his Facebook page.

He believes that the visit of the Phanr head to Kyiv played against him since the Ukrainian flock showed him and the entire world Orthodoxy that they did not want to see him in our country and negatively assessed his decision to legalize schismatics.
“After all, the entire Orthodox world saw that behind his decision to legalize schismatics from the UAOC and the UOC-KP was not the desire of the Ukrainian people, that such a step, in reality, had little support,” wrote Metropolitan Anthony. “And if so, it turns out that Constantinople deceived both itself and other Local Churches, arguing that the granting of autocephaly for Ukraine was based on a request from the overwhelming majority of Ukrainians.”

As reported, there have already been Councils in the history of the Church, where the Phanar’s actions were condemned, said the UOC Chancellor.

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