Ivano-Frankivsk mayor's advisor, who threatened UOC, draws up "black list"

Nazariy Kishak, advisor to the mayor of Ivano-Frankivsk. Photo: firtka.if.ua

Frankivsk, does not regret the anti-church publications, after which criminal proceedings were instituted against him for inciting religious hatred, but instead draws up his own “black list”. He told about this in an interview with the local information resource Firtka.

Kishak called his previous publications on social networks, in which he called for "purging monasteries" and "expelling priests" of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, "tolerant." He stressed that he really considers the UOC to be "hostile", and "every conscientious citizen" of Ukraine agrees with him.

According to Kishak, "curses and letters" come to his address, but he is "not a coward, it is 'they' who should fear."

“I have my own ‘black list’ and I wrote down everyone,” he added.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the police are investigating Nazariy Kishak's call to "purge the monasteries" of the UOC.

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