Domes installed on new temple of UOC in native village of Shostatsky

In the native village of Shostatsky, domes were installed on the new UOC temple, built to replace the seized one. Photo: UOJ

On September 29, 2021, on the feast of the icon of the Mother of God "Look at humility", in the village of Raikivtsi, Khmelnytsky region, domes were consecrated and installed on a new temple of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

Raikivtsi is the homeland of the “hierarch” Simeon Shostatsky, and he sometimes visits the local St. Michael Church, which has long been “transferred” to the OCU.

The UOC community in Raikivtsi, which suffered from schismatics, began to build a new church for itself, and today the ruling bishop of the Khmelnytsky Eparchy has consecrated domes and domed crosses for it. The clergyman of the eparchy, the chairman of the committee on interfaith relations, Archpriest Mikhail Varakhoba, told the UOJ about this.

“Today domes and crosses were installed on the temple,” the priest said. “Metropolitan Anthony consecrated them, I was there too and myself raised them to a height of 20 meters and erected a cross. Our Vladyka said that since today is the feast of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Look at Humility", this temple will be in honor of this icon. "

In Shostatsky's homeland, his associates “transferred” more than one parish of the Khmelnytsky Eparchy to the OCU. The Orthodox communities, for example, in the neighbouring village of Gvardiiske, still continue to fight for their rights. The former archimandrite of the UOC, Job Vozborsky, who is the head of the territorial community uniting 11 villages, also actively contributes to the “transitions”. 

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