Police open a case against Nizhyn "hoofbearer" on application from Miriane

Police open a case against the "hoofbearer" from Nizhyn on the application from Miriane

The police opened criminal proceedings against Stanislav Proshchenko, who achieved notoriety for the fact that in June 2021 he attacked the UOC cross walkers in Nizhyn with severed goat legs. The case of incitement to religious hatred was opened at the request of the Miriane public organization, the public organization's TG-channel reported on Wednesday, September 29.

The Miriane noted that they continue to fight against the violation of the rights of believers and discrimination against the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

“Stanislav Proshchenko, private entrepreneur and public activist, founder of the Nizhyn union of ATO Patriot veterans, lives in Nizhyn, Chernihiv region. He is actively involved in the seizures of the UOC churches of the Nizhyn diocese. On June 23 of this year, Proshchenko alongside other activists obstructed the procession of the cross in Nizhyn, attempting to block the movement of the UOC laity. Being an active user of social networks, Proshchenko openly incites religious enmity and hatred on Facebook, calling our Church a ‘cancer tumor’, our priests as ‘devils’, and our procession of the cross as a ‘Sabbath’," the UOC believers recalled.

At the request of Public Union Miriane, on August 25, the Dnieper District of the National Police in Kyiv opened criminal proceedings against Proshchenko's actions and statements under Part 1 of Art. 161 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

The pre-trial investigation is pending as the investigators are collecting evidence of Proshchenko's guilt in inciting religious hatred, UOC believers said.

Earlier, the laity told about the dismissal of the official propagandist of the OCU from the Lviv Regional State Administration, as well as about their meetings with the people deputies in the regions regarding bill 5835, which aims to abolish anti-church legal norms.

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