Miracles come to a family that let their house for a temple after seizure

Visitor to the Read and Create Fair. Photo: screenshot of the 1Kozak YouTube channel

A believer of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, one of the visitors of the “Read and Create” charity book fair in the Holy Dormition Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, told the First Cossack journalists about miraculous healings in the family, which donated their house for divine services after the seizure of the temple.

The girl found out about this family several months ago from the Internet. According to her, she thought then, "Lord, what blessed those people are by having donated their house for a temple."

In the summer of this year, it so happened that the girl was walking in the cross procession from the village of Ratno in Volyn to Pochayiv, and on the way the cross walkers had a pitstop in the city, where the schismatics had seized the UOC temple.

“A woman took me to her home, and it turned out that she had brought me to the very house repurposed for a church, in which worship had continued for a year and a half,” said the believer. “I realized that I needed to be here, because it was my wish and the Lord heard it.”

In a conversation with the mistress of the house, the girl found out what’s the life of this family had been like.

“Her husband immediately recovered – he was in the I.C.U., and their daughter got pregnant a couple of months later. Before that she had asked God to have a child for 10 months, but in vain,” the girl shared.

Earlier, Metropolitan Clement (Vecheria) said that the believers of the UOC, who suffered as a result of the seizure of their churches by raiders of the OCU, have already built new churches in most places.

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