"Favor" reports construction of temple in Rostoki to replace seized one

Missing materials were handed over to the Rostock community to complete the roofing works. Photo: CF "Favor"

Materials for the installation of the roof of their new Holy Trinity Church, which believers are constructing to replace the seized one, were handed over to the community of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the village of Rostoki, Ternopil region, reports the CF “Favor” on its TG channel.

The foundation purchased and handed over the second batch of professional sheets in the amount of UAH 65,406 and wished God's help to the community in completing the roofing work before the autumn weather.

“Let us remind you that in 2021, with your help, our dear friends and subscribers, the “Favor” Foundation purchased and handed over to the community of the village of Rostoki cement for making the foundation and erecting the walls of the church, professional sheet and other materials for roofing work in a total amount of UAH 258,951. All notes given during donations will be sent to the temple for prayer commemoration. The rector of the church, Archpriest Peter Slobodyan, thanks all the donors for their help!" the message says.

More details about the progress of the construction of the Holy Trinity Church can be found on the project page.

The Trinity Church of the UOC in Rostoki was seized by supporters of the OCU in January 2019. The believers first prayed in the street, and then in the premises of a small trailer. In 2021, the CF "Favor" announced a fundraiser for the construction of a new church for the community affected by the raiding, and by the autumn the believers completed the main work on preparing the roof for covering.


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