Zoria complains that UOC completely ignores the existence of OCU

OCU spokesperson Yevstratiy Zoria. Photo: Censor.net

OCU spokesperson Yevstratiy Zoria published a post on his Telegram channel, accusing the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of deliberately and completely ignoring the OCU.

Zoria draws a parallel with diplomatic relations, comparing appeals from UOC representatives to Patriarch Bartholomew to the approach Russian diplomats take toward the United States. “In both cases, the idea is conveyed that the Ukrainian side is not a subject and should not be considered a party in dialogue, agreements, and decisions,” notes Zoria.

Additionally, he expressed the view that such a position by Metropolitan Onuphry entirely excludes the possibility of whatever dialogue with the OCU, which differs from the approach of the late Metropolitan Volodymyr. “It seems to me that this, and nothing else, underlies Metropolitan Onuphry’s position of completely ignoring dialogue with the OCU – unlike the late Metropolitan Volodymyr's, who encouraged dialogue (which was as obstructed as possible by Moscow),” added the OCU spokesperson.

As previously reported by the UOJ, Patriarch Bartholomew, in conversation with Yevstratiy Zoria, expressed his deep concern over the violence and seizures occurring in the context of the OCU's activities. During a liturgy in Tallinn last June, the head of the Ecumenical Patriarchate told Zoria that church unity cannot be built on violence.

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