UOC hierarchs make reports at the conference on primacy in the Church

Speech by Bishop Sylvester of Belogorodka. Photo: patriarchia.ru

On September 16, 2021, Metropolitan Augustine of Bila Tserkva and Boguslav and the rector of the KDAiS Bishop Sylvester of Belogorodka made reports at the conference "World Orthodoxy: Primacy and Conciliarity in the Light of the Orthodox Doctrine", which is taking place in Moscow, the DECR MP website reports.

At the plenary session of the forum, the rector of the Kyiv Theological Academy, Bishop Sylvester, spoke about how the Phanar's teaching about its exceptional primacy influenced the fundamental documents of the newly created OCU. Vladyka, via video link, presented a report on the topic: "Reflection of the Doctrine of the Primacy of the Patriarch of Constantinople in the Regulatory Documents of the OCU."

Metropolitan Augustine also presented the report "Canonical Collision in the Interference of the Patriarchate of Constantinople in the Issues of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church" in an online format.

Representatives of other Local Churches are also taking part in the conference. Thus, reports were presented by Bishop Irinej of Bačka (Serbian Orthodox Church) “Church Autocephaly Yesterday and Today” and Metropolitan Andrei of Gori and Athena (Georgian Orthodox Church) “A Brief Review of Some Issues in the History of Autocephaly of the Georgian Orthodox Church”.

The report of Metropolitan Nikiforos of Kykkos and Tillyria (Cypriot Orthodox Church) was read by Archimandrite Seraphim (Gavrikov), a cleric of the Tamassos and Orini Metropolis.

Video messages to the participants and guests of the conference were sent by Archbishop Theodosios of Sebastia (Jerusalem Orthodox Church) and Metropolitan Isaiah of Tamassos, the hierarch of the Orthodox Church of Cyprus.

As the UOJ reported, opening the conference, Patriarch Kirill said it was time to give a theological assessment of Phanar’s actions.

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