New church laid in vlg Mashcha to replace temple seized by OCU

The UOC community in the village of Mascha. Photo: UOJ

This week, in the village of Mashcha, Kostopil district, Rivne region, a construction site for a new church to replace the one taken over by the OCU was consecrated, reports a UOJ correspondent.

Metropolitan Anatoly of Sarny and Polessye, concelebrated by the clergy of the eparchy, led the consecration rite. After the seizure of the temple by the supporters of the OCU, the believers of the UOC in Mascha remained faithful to their Church. The community was allocated a land plot and issued permits for a new church. It will be built in honor of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.

Now believers are raising funds to bring in building materials and, while it is still warm, to start building walls.

As reported, for two years the religious community of the UOC has experienced regular attacks from supporters of the OCU in the village of Mashcha. Interfaith conflict around the St. John the Theologian Church often escalated into violent confrontations with beatings and threats against the head of the community and his parishioners.

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