His Beatitude Onuphry: Today our Church lives in times of trials

His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry. Photo: UOC

On October 17, 2024, the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry, addressed the participants of the XVI International Scientific and Practical Conference held at the Kyiv theological schools, as reported on the KDAiS website.

According to His Beatitude, the conference once again draws attention to the relationship between spiritual and secular education, analyzing their historical development, current state, and future prospects.

“This gathering demonstrates our collective concern for preserving spiritual heritage, as well as the importance of theological research in the modern world,” he said.

The head of the UOC lamented that “for the third year, the conference is taking place under martial law.”

“We witness daily the deaths of our defenders and peaceful residents of Ukrainian cities and villages. These events resonate painfully in the heart of everyone, and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church continues to offer intensified prayers for the Ukrainian state, for the authorities, for Ukrainian soldiers, and for the Ukrainian people, doing everything possible to alleviate their suffering,” reminded the Primate of the UOC.

Noting that this year's academic forum is dedicated to the significant event of the 100th anniversary of the closure of the Kyiv Theological Academy, His Beatitude stated that “we pay special attention to the life journeys of many professors and graduates of the Kyiv Theological Academy who, despite oppression and persecution, remained faithful servants of the Church of Christ.”

“And today, as our Church lives through times of trials, they, by their example, call us to remember the words of the Apostle Paul: ‘Be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord’ (1 Cor. 15:58). Their destinies and scholarly legacy inspire us even today to remain steadfast in the Orthodox faith and in scholarly pursuits,” emphasized Metropolitan Onuphry.

He is confident that the theme of the conference is very relevant, as “the historical experience of the Kyiv Theological Academy carries important lessons for us today,” because “it was not only a place for training pastors and theologians but also a center where deep theological ideas were born and moral and spiritual principles were formed.”

“The latest research from our theological schools and foreign institutions presented today will help us better understand how the Holy Tradition of the Church can be actualized in modern conditions and respond to today’s challenges,” believes His Beatitude.

He thanked God that “despite the difficult conditions in which the Ukrainian Orthodox Church currently finds itself, its educational institutions are able to share the fruits of their labors.”

The Primate also wished the conference participants that their research in the fields of biblical studies, theology, liturgics, church history, canonical law, and other disciplines would strengthen faith, enrich the church experience, and maintain the unity of the people of God.

“I hope this forum becomes a fruitful platform for the exchange of ideas and discoveries. We pray that the Lord grants you all inspiration, wisdom, and strength for further work for the good of the Church of Christ and theological science. May your academic achievements glorify the name of the Lord and contribute to the strengthening of faith in the hearts of people. I invoke God’s blessing upon you all!” concluded Metropolitan Onuphry.

As previously reported, enrollment is open for two-year courses at the UOC Distance Learning Center.

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