Unknown individuals in camouflage seize Cherkasy cathedral on the second try

Storming of the cathedral in Cherkasy. Photo: UOJ

On October 17, the Archangel Michael Cathedral of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) in Cherkasy was seized by unknown individuals in camouflage on their second attempt.

After believers, together with Metropolitan Theodosiy of Cherkasy and Kaniv, made an effort to defend their sacred site and pushed out the church raiders, radicals and representatives of the authorities began to gather their supporters through local social media groups and launched a second assault.

They broke into the cathedral grounds, beat believers, sprayed them with tear gas, and struck Metropolitan Theodosiy on the head.

During this time, the police remained inactive, and later, law enforcement officers left the church grounds altogether.

After the seizure of the cathedral, Metropolitan Theodosiy addressed the believers, announcing that the parishioners and priests of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Cherkasy would now be compelled to pray in their private facilities.

"The Lord, the Mother of God, Archangel Michael, and Saint Macarius are always with us!" he said.

He noted that the believers did everything possible to protect the cathedral, but were unable to prevent its seizure. According to the Metropolitan, with the departure of the believers from the cathedral, the grace also left.

The Metropolitan expressed confidence that they would return to their sacred site for prayer. At the same time, he emphasized that the fight for the truth would continue in the courts, though there is little hope for fair justice.

As reported by UOJ, the raiders in Cherkasy had opened fire on UOC believers.

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