Dumenko assures Americans that OCU is the largest religious organization

Meeting of the head of the OCU with representatives of the US Congress. Photo: pomisna.info

On September 9, 2021, at a meeting with representatives of the US Congress, Epiphaniy Dumenko presented the OCU headed by him as the largest religious organization in Ukraine.

According to the press service of the OCU, the meeting was attended by members of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives of the US Congress: Congressman from Pennsylvania Brian Fitzpatrick, from California Juan Carlos Vargas and ex-congressman of five convocations from Ohio State Robert McEwan with his wife.

The OCU was represented by "Archbishop" Eustratiy Zoria and advisers to the "Kyiv Metropolis".

In a conversation with the Americans, Dumenko thanked them for their consistent support for Ukraine in its struggle for independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as in implementing reforms.

“As the largest religious organization in Ukraine, we, as a Church, feel our special responsibility before the Ukrainian society to help build a better state – a democratic, European, free from the corruption sin,” Epiphaniy said and added that if there is “friendly support from our partners”, then this task is quite achievable.

In addition, the head of the OCU and representatives of the US Congress discussed reforms related to the establishment of the rule of law in Ukraine. Epiphaniy declared his support for these reforms given that "the Church is called to testify and defend the truth."

Following the meeting, the parties agreed to continue interaction.

Earlier, Dumenko met with Charge d'Affaires a.i. of the United States in Ukraine, George Kent, who declared "strong US support for religious freedom free from external influence."

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