EOC: The state has no authority to manage church affairs

St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Tallinn. Photo: EOC

Bishop Daniil of Tartu, Vicar of the Tallinn Diocese of the Estonian Orthodox Church (EOC), stated that the state has no right to interfere in the interpretation of the Church's canonical norms, as reported by the Glavny Regionalny.

Bishop Daniil emphasized that state interference in the Church's canonical matters is unacceptable and includes issues related to the EOC's interactions with the Moscow Patriarchate. “When it comes to church canons, there can be different interpretations even among churches. There should be no secular state directives regarding what is canonically correct. A secular state does not have such authority,” he said.

The Estonian Ministry of Internal Affairs expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that the amendments to the EOC's Charter do not provide for a complete break in ties with the Moscow Patriarchate, and also with the inclusion of a reference to the 1993 Tomos issued by Patriarch Alexy II, which serves as the basis for the EOC's activities.

As reported by the UOJ, according to the assessment of the Estonian MIA Chancellor, Tarmo Miilits, outlined in a letter to Bishop Daniil, the changes to the Church’s name and the removal of references to the Moscow Patriarchate, the Russian Orthodox Church, and the Patriarch from its Charter are merely cosmetic adjustments.

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