Mind your eparchy: OCU "hierarchs" quarrel over the language of "services"

OCU “hierarchs” have quarreled over the language of “services”. Photo: UOJ

The OCU “hierarchs” quarreled over whether to allow the communities “transferred” from the UOC to serve in Church Slavonic or not.

On September 3, 2021, "bishop" Gabriel Krizina of Rivne and Sarny stated on his Facebook page that in Transcarpathia no one wants to go to the OCU because the local "bishops" are not allowed to serve in the Church Slavonic language. And if they did, there would be transitions.

In the comments to the post, “bishops” offended by him immediately responded to Krizina in an intelligent manner, advising him to mind his own business and not interfere in other people’s affairs.

"Metropolitan" Joasaph Vasilikiv of Ivano-Frankivsk and Galicia said that there is no ban on serving in Church Slavonic, and Vladimir Rudnik (a "bishop" of Uzhgorod and Transcarpathian) told Krizina to "mind his own eparchy". To this, Krizina replied ironically that there are already three eparchies of the OCU in Transcarpathia, and Rudnik cannot decide for everything.

Earlier, in the Kherson Eparchy of the OCU, a scandal occurred due to the comment of a cleric who publicly called the words of his “bishop” “nonsense”.

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