President's Office: The country should be renamed into "Rus-Ukraine"

Alexey Arestovych. Photo:

Ukraine should be renamed into Rus-Ukraine. Alexey Arestovych, the press secretary of the Ukrainian delegation to the TCG and adviser to the head of the President's Office, said this in an interview published on the YouTube channel of journalist Roman Tsimbalyuk on August 31.

He explained that it is about the return of history and "the interception of the inheritance of Kievan Rus."

“If we convince the whole world that we are the heirs of Kievan Rus, then they (Russia – Ed.) become an ulus of the Golden Horde and a side branch of Byzantium, at best, with a European graft. <...> So far we are winning," Arestovych said.

In his opinion, in order to close down the topic, Ukraine should be renamed, while “the brand of ‘Russians’ should be taken away.”

“I am fighting to ensure that we call the war correctly, for example, the Rus-Russian war. Now there is a Rus-Russian war, isn’t there? So, in order to troll for real, Rus’-Russian.

Rus is we ... Rus, Rusyns ... I would change the name of the state, I would call us Rus-Ukraine, I would make a double name. We are working on it. This would simply put the matter to rest in the end,” upheld the adviser to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky approved a new holiday – the Day of Ukrainian Statehood. It will be celebrated on the Day of the Baptism of Rus’.

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