Primate leads festivities on 200th anniversary of Odesa Dormition Monastery

Celebrations of the 200th anniversary of the Dormition Monastery in Odesa. Photo: UOC

On September 29, the day marking the 30th anniversary of the discovery of the relics of St. Kuksha of Odessa, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry of Kyiv and All Ukraine celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Dormition Monastery in Odessa, as reported by the Information and Education Department of the UOC.

This year, the Dormition Monastery is celebrating its 200th anniversary, as well as the 60th anniversary of the repose of St. Kuksha of Odesa and the 30th anniversary of uncovering of his relics.

During the solemn service in the Cathedral dedicated to the "Life-Giving Spring" Icon of the Mother of God, the Primate was concelebrated by Metropolitan Agafangel, ruling bishop of the Odesa Eparchy, bishops and clergy from many UOC dioceses, as well as Archbishop Peter of Ungheni and Nisporeni (Moldovan Orthodox Church). Also in attendance were abbesses from Odesa covents and other UOC dioceses.

At the Lesser Entrance, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry awarded the Dormition Monastery with a Blessing Certificate on the occasion of its 200th anniversary. Metropolitan Agafangel was honored with the highest award of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church – the Order of the Resurrection of Christ. The Vicar of the Odessa Diocese, Archbishop Victor of Artsyz, was awarded the Order of St. Yaroslav the Wise. Clergy of the Odesa Eparchy also received liturgical awards.

After the reading of the Holy Gospel, His Beatitude delivered a sermon to the numerous faithful and pilgrims of the monastery.

Prayers for peace in Ukraine were offered during the Liturgy. The Primate asked for God's mercy upon the Ukrainian people, that the Lord would grant wisdom to the authorities, courage to the soldiers, release to the captives, healing to the sick, and shelter to those who have lost their homes.

After the Divine Liturgy, the clergy and faithful, led by the Primate, participated in a cross procession around the monastery grounds. The service concluded with a prayer before the relics of St. Kuksha of Odessa.

Metropolitan Agafangel thanked His Beatitude for his visit and presented him with a commemorative icon. The Primate congratulated Metropolitan Agafangel on the 200th anniversary of the Dormition Monastery.

Archbishop Peter of Ungheni and Nisporeni presented His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry with an award from the Primate of the Moldovan Orthodox Church – the Order of St. Gabriel (Bănulescu-Bodoni).

After the service, the Primate blessed the opening of a charity fair, with proceeds going to help refugees.

As previously reported by the UOC, His Beatitude officiated Vespers in Odesa on the eve of the celebrations in honor of St. Kuksha and the Dormition Monastery.

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