Over 3 thousand people gather for pro-family march in Odessa

The march in defence of traditional family values in Odessa. Photo: odessa.online

On August 28, in Odessa, on the feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, within the framework of the #GoodUnites project, a pro-family march of UOC believers "We are for our family values" was held, reports the press service of the Odessa Eparchy.

More than 3,000 people took part in the march, the participants walked from the Transfiguration Cathedral along the central streets of Odessa to the monument to Duke de Richelieu in Primorsky Boulevard, where a concert programme, including a performance by the “Peacemakers” choir, was held for the march participants.

The celebration was attended by many Orthodox families. The participants of the event sincerely thanked the organizers for the wonderful concert, delicious food and entertainment for children.

Как ранее сообщал СПЖ, «Миротворцы» из Одесской епархии поздравили украинцев с Днем Независимости.

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