Vatican Secretary of State at the UN calls for general disarmament

Cardinal Parolin at the UN. Photo: Ukrinform

In order to achieve peace, it is necessary to strive for general disarmament, including the elimination of nuclear weapons. This was stated by Vatican Secretary of State Pietro Parolin at the Future Summit in New York, reports Ukrinform.

According to Parolin, the summit is taking place amid a global crisis. He emphasized the importance of maintaining hope, recalling the words of Pope Francis that hope should not be confused with excessive optimism. At the same time, the diplomat noted that humanity cannot ignore the tragic realities it is facing.

Parolin also stated that it is important to look towards a future based on respect for human dignity and the sovereignty of all nations. He highlighted the need for international organizations to rethink their efforts in the fight against poverty.

"To achieve peace, it is necessary to ensure general disarmament, with special attention to the elimination of nuclear weapons," underscored the Vatican representative.

As the UOJ previously reported, the head of the UGCC believes that the words of the Pope regarding the UOC should not be given too much attention.

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