Report: 14 priests defrocked in Russia for anti-war stance

Priest. Photo: Pravlife

According to a new report by the "Christians Against War" group, supported by Reforum Space, 14 priests in Russia have been defrocked for their anti-war stance. These cases are part of a broader persecution of believers who oppose the war unleashed by Russia.

In addition to defrocking, the priests faced other punishments from church authorities. In 19 cases, priests were banned from priesthood, and 11 were outstaffed. In some cases, these measures were taken sequentially: first, the cleric was subjected to outstaffing, then banned from priesthood, and eventually, fully defrocked.

The group’s analysis includes data not only from Russia but from six countries in total, though the majority of cases (91%) occurred in Russia and Belarus, where religious leaders and parishioners have faced repression for their anti-war positions.

The primary cause of repression was anti-war publications and statements – 53 cases. Other reasons included participation in anti-war actions, refusal to say pro-war prayers, and anti-war sermons.

As previously reported, a Russian Orthodox Church priest was defrocked for refusing to read the 'Prayer for Holy Rus'.

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