Amid explosion sounds: Memory of Glinsky Elders honored in Sumy monastery

Festive worship service at the Glinsky Stauropegial Hermitage. Photo: Sumy Eparchy

On September 22, the day of the communal memory of the Glinsky Saints, Metropolitan Evlogiy of Sumy and Okhtyrka, and Archbishop Anthony of Putivl, vicar of the Kyiv Metropolis, led the Divine Liturgy in the men’s monastery. This was reported by the press service of the Sumy Eparchy.

The hierarchs were joined by the monastery's brethren and clergy from the Sumy and Konotop dioceses of the UOC.

During the service, prayers were offered for Ukraine, its people and defenders, for the victory of Ukrainian soldiers, and for all those affected by the military actions.

The diocesan press service noted that the service took place amid the loud sounds of explosions from Russian airstrikes.

At the end of the service, Metropolitan Evlogiy thanked Archbishop Anthony for the opportunity to jointly offer prayers to the Lord, His Most Pure Mother, and the Glinsky Elders for peace in the Sumy region and all of Ukraine.

Highlighting the difficult circumstances of the monastery’s life due to the constant enemy air raids, Metropolitan Evlogiy said: "Woe to those who bless these destructive shellings of our land! Woe to those who call this madness, driven by Russian aggression, a 'holy war' in our long-suffering Ukraine!"

The abbot of the monastery thanked Metropolitan Evlogiy for his brotherly support during these difficult times of war.

After the Divine Liturgy, the hierarchs and all present venerated the relics of the Glinsky Elders, resting in the monastery.

As previously reported by the press service of the Sumy Eparchy, special prayers began to be read in the Sumy region due to the ongoing hostilities.

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