Phanar: Orthodox and Catholics want to restore unity in communion

Head of Phanar at a meeting with members of the AUCCRO. Photo: facebook page of Bp. Vitaliy Kryvytskyi

Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople said that the Orthodox and Catholics are striving to restore unity in communion. He said this at a meeting with the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations (AUCCRO), which took place at the initiative of the head of the Phanar on August 23 in Kyiv, the press service of the UGCC reports.

Noting that the members of the AUCCRO symbolize the hope of Ukraine, the patriarch raised the issue of inter-Christian and inter-confessional dialogue in the modern world.

“Dialogue is a means through which we are called to resolve our differences, promote resilience, fight against bias and intolerance, build peace and harmony, solidarity and cooperation,” he said. “It is a sign of hope that despite the horrors of the 20th century, the most brutal era in human history, our understanding of dialogue is becoming an increasingly powerful tool for building bridges and reconciliation. This movement of rapprochement and reconciliation in our world is clearly confirmed by the involvement of Christians in ecumenical dialogue."

According to the head of Phanar, from the second half of the twentieth century to the present day, many ecumenical and other ties that bring Christians together testify to a common desire, primarily of the Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church, to restore unity in communion.

“We firmly believe in the power of a genuine dialogue, in which there are no losers,” added Patriarch Bartholomew.

According to the results of the meeting, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Church in Ukraine Vitaliy Kryvytsky, member of the AUCCRO, noted that during the conversation with the head of Phanar, the word "dialogue" was repeated most frequently.

The UOJ also wrote that Patriarch Bartholomew presented the head of the UGCC with a panagia with his signature. The latter regarded the gift as recognition of the episcopal dignity of the entire UGCC.

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