Estonian MIA demands complete break between EOC and Moscow Patriarchate

Bishop Daniel of Tartu, Vicar of the Tallinn Diocese. Photo: Siim Lõvi / ERR

Chancellor of the Estonian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Tarmo Miilits, said that the MIA, after a partial review of the updated statute of the Estonian Orthodox Church, concludes that the Church has not fully met the state's expectations. He communicated this in a letter to Bishop Daniel of Tartu, Vicar of the Tallinn Diocese, ERR reports.

“In your letter, you mention that efforts have been made to reduce the administrative influence of the Russian Orthodox Church in the statute’s text. The state's expectations, based on the Riigikogu's declaration of the Moscow Patriarchate as an institution supporting Russia’s military aggression, are that this influence should be fully eliminated,” Miilits wrote.

The Chancellor also expressed concern that the EOC still seeks to rely on the Tomos granted by Patriarch Alexy II in 1993.

“This document is contradictory in its nature, as on one hand, it defines the administrative independence of the Church, but on the other hand, it requires the approval of decisions and the head of the Church by the Patriarch, as well as adherence to the decrees of the Holy Synod of the Moscow Patriarchate and the orders of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia,” Miilits stated.

He added that the ministry will continue to analyze the Church's statute and will send its conclusions to the EOC soon.

As reported by the UOJ, on August 20, the Council of the EOC-MP adopted a new statute, removing references to the Moscow Patriarchate and expressing the desire to adopt a new name – "the Estonian Orthodox Church".

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