UOC Chancellor: Phanar forms an "Eastern Pope" model of Orthodoxy

Metropolitan Anthony. Photo: facebook.com/MitropolitAntoniy

The processes launched by Patriarch Bartholomew to create a new model of World Orthodoxy, where he is destined for the central place of the “eastern pope” with unprecedented powers and privileges, will inevitably entail changes in other spheres of the Church's life, including the foundations of the Orthodox faith. Metropolitan Anthony of Boryspil and Brovary, Chancellor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, said this in an interview with RIA Novosti.

In his opinion, a big gamble of the head of Phanar with the creation of the OCU in Ukraine has already de facto destroyed pan-Orthodox unity and led to the division of the Orthodox Churches.

Therefore, the question now arises of the readiness of the Local Churches to defend the purity of the faith.

“After all, it is already becoming clear that the gamble of Patriarch Bartholomew in Ukraine in its consequences goes far beyond the scope of a dispute related to jurisdiction over a certain territory,” the UOC hierarch believes. "In this respect, the resumption of the vigorous activity of the ‘Amman format’ can play a role, within the framework of which it is necessary to consider the relevant issues in all their depth and urgency."

As reported by the UOJ, the conciliar mind not only can but must assess the actions of Phanar, believes the UOC Chancellor.

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