EU calls to repeal legislation banning "LGBT propaganda" in Georgia

LGBT activists' rally in Warsaw. Photo:

The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, has called on Georgia to repeal the law banning "LGBT propaganda," which he said "further derails the country's path towards the EU." He posted this on his X (formerly Twitter) account on September 18.

"The Georgian Parliament adopted laws on 'family values and protection of minors' (which includes the ban on 'LGBT propaganda' – Ed.), which will undermine the fundamental rights of the people and increase discrimination and stigmatization," he said.

Borrell urged Georgia to repeal this law, stating that it "further derails the country from its EU path."

In his comments to journalists, Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze expressed surprise at the European Union’s reaction to the adopted law.

"This is an absolutely incomprehensible phenomenon. Europe should not be associated with non-transparency and LGBT propaganda in Georgian society," he said.

As the UOJ previously reported, the Georgian Parliament unanimously passed the law against LGBT.

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