UOC hierarch: Law 3894 is part of de-Christianization of society

Metropolitan Clement (Vecheria). Photo: orthodox.cn.ua

Metropolitan Clement (Vecheria) of Nizhyn and Pryluky, head of the Information and Education Department of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC), expressed concern in an interview on the TV channel "Suspilne" regarding the adoption of Law 3894, which he believes is part of a larger process of de-Christianization in Ukrainian society. He also highlighted the distorted image of the Church in public consciousness and in the media.

Metropolitan Clement pointed out that, for the majority of people, religious issues related to church statutes and the Tomos are not of great significance: “For the vast majority, these things are very distant; they know little about them.”

The UOC hierarch underscored that the media space is oversaturated with scandals involving the Church, which creates a distorted perception: "A certain surrogate is being presented to society under the guise of the Church."

He regretted that in the past, religious topics in the media focused on spiritual matters such as prayer and faith, which are pivotal to people's lives: "Previously, religious topics on TV were about spirituality, prayer, and how faith transforms a person's life."

The UOC hierarch also noted that modern society focuses more on external conflicts surrounding the Church rather than its true mission. He stated, “Millions of believers go to church not because they seek scandals and tomos there... but because they find religion and a connection with God in the church.”

Metropolitan Clement sees the greatest threat in the ongoing process of de-Christianization of Ukrainians: “It is very regrettable that today we are witnessing a large-scale replacement of the Church. This is not bringing us closer to an independent church, but we are instead undergoing a process of de-Christianization in society. And this law is part of that process.”

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