Zadubrivka believer: Tomos of the head of Phanar made relatives fight

A parishioner of the UOC church in Zadubrivka. Photo: screenshot / YouTube / First Cossack

By his actions in Ukraine, the head of Phanar set the dearest people at loggerheads and brought hatred to families, said a UOC believer from Zadubrivka at a prayer standing near the Verkhovna Rada when asked by a journalist from the 1Kozak channel.

In the village of Zadubrivka, OCU activists have been trying to seize the church for a long time, but the parishioners remain loyal to the UOC and defend their church from encroachments. In the spring of this year, supporters of the OCU beat an elderly parishioner of the UOC. According to the participant of the standing near the Rada, the hatred that the new structure harbors towards the canonical Church has divided even the relatives.

The believer from Zadubrivka noted that she would like to tell Patriarch Bartholomew to take his Tomos back.

“Because with this Tomos, he brought a lot of hatred, malice, and aggression to our families,” she said. “He set the dearest people at odds with each other. And what could be worse than shedding brotherly blood?

They always focus on the East. But what can we say about the East, if we, in our small village, shed blood – our relatives, our brothers and sisters, our parents."

As the UOJ reported, the OCU said that it was necessary to root up the UOC like weeds.

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