Pope Francis changes his mind about attending Notre-Dame opening in Paris

Pope Francis. Photo: focus.ua

Pope Francis responded to an invitation to attend the reopening ceremony of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, scheduled for December 7-8, reports The European Conservative. The pontiff firmly stated that he does not intend to participate in the event marking the reopening of the cathedral, five years after the devastating fire that nearly destroyed one of the world's most famous churches.

"I will not go to Paris, I will not go to Paris," Pope Francis resolutely announced in response to the invitation extended by the archbishop of Paris and the French authorities.

After declining the trip to Paris, Pope Francis was asked about his future plans. While he expressed a desire to visit his homeland of Argentina, no specific dates have been mentioned. However, the pontiff hinted that one of his upcoming trips might be to the Canary Islands, where he wishes to "be close to the local authorities and the people". The islands are currently overwhelmed by the influx of refugees from Africa, who are choosing this route to Spain following the tightening of conditions for landing in Italy.

As previously reported by the UOJ, the Vatican had earlier expressed regret over certain scenes during the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Paris, calling it "a prestigious event where the whole world comes together to share common values" and stating that "there should be no allusions ridiculing the religious convictions of many people."

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