Assembly of Orthodox Bishops of the USA condemns Ukrainian anti-church law

UOC believers. Photo: UOC

The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America issued a statement expressing deep concern about the ongoing military conflict in Ukraine, as well as issues related to religious freedom in the country. The statement, published on the Assembly's website, noted that the Assembly "has followed with grave concern and profound sorrow the ongoing invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation as well as the ecclesiastical challenges in the country."

The Assembly paid special attention to the Ukrainian Parliament's adoption of Bill 8371, which was passed into law as Law 3894. The resolution states: "While recognizing the legitimate right of governments to prevent all security threats during a time of war, the Assembly is deeply concerned with the adoption by the Ukrainian parliament of Bill 8371 (Law 3894)." The bishops' resolution also highlights the importance of preserving religious freedom in Ukraine, which is a "religiously pluralistic society".

The Assembly of Bishops expressed hope that the new law will not lead to the violation of believers' rights: "In the interest of religious freedom and the rule of law, we pray the Ukrainian Law 3894 is not used to persecute any religious group within Ukraine, which would threaten the religious liberty of millions of its citizens."

In conclusion, the bishops call for a peaceful resolution to the conflict and the protection of the rights of all Ukrainian citizens: "The Assembly of Bishops prays for a peaceful resolution to this invasion that upholds the civil and human rights of all Ukrainians. The Assembly further prays and urgently calls for an immediate cessation of hostilities and the return of all captives."

As the UOJ reported, the Synod of the Czech Church expressed support for the UOC and Metropolitan Onuphry.

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