Greek bishop: Europe has turned away from Christ and returned to sins

Metropolitan Nektarios. Photo:

Metropolitan Nektarios of Corfu stated that Europe, which once enthusiastically embraced Christian preaching, has now returned to various sins.

During a sermon on the Sunday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Metropolitan Nektarios told the faithful that "along the path of our Christian life we returned to the works of temptation and wanted to work on sin but at the same time call on God."

However, he reminded believers that, according to Christ, "no one can serve two masters." "This warning reminds us that it is impossible to serve sin and simultaneously follow Christ," the hierarch emphasized.

He noted that "sinful deeds lead us to serve the will of devil, making us transgressors against God, and this is particularly evident in modern society".

"Unfortunately, our country, as well as all of Christian Europe, which enthusiastically accepted the gospel word and truly believed in Jesus Christ, have now returned to all kinds of sin which has led society to atheism and sterile denial of God," stated Metropolitan Nektarios.

The hierarch pointed out that the results of such activities in contemporary society are visible – "spiritual desolation and the loss of true faith".

As reported earlier, according to Metropolitan Nektarios of Corfu, Orthodox faith is currently subjected to "sly persecution".

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