Media: Archbishop Elpidophoros accuses Phanar hierarch in U.S. of informing

Members of the Phanar Synod in the U.S. Photo:

On September 13, during a meeting of the diocesan Synod of the Exarchate of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in the U.S., Archbishop Elpidophoros of America accused Metropolitan Apostolos of New Jersey of informing on him to Patriarch Bartholomew, the Greek publication reports, citing the National Herald.

According to the publication, "tensions" arose during the Synod meeting, which escalated into "shouting."

The cause of the tense situation was Archbishop Elpidophoros' claim that Metropolitan Apostolos of New Jersey was informing Patriarch Bartholomew about him.

Metropolitan Apostolos responded that he was not involved in such actions. However, Elpidophoros disagreed, citing Patriarch Bartholomew’s own words, allegedly telling him about Apostolos' reports.

In response, the Metropolitan of New Jersey said that Patriarch Bartholomew does not use such words ("informer, informing"), as he is a "kind person", and stated that he did not believe Archbishop Elpidophoros.

National Herald notes that during this altercation between the head of the Phanar Exarchate in the U.S. and the Metropolitan of New Jersey, "the other hierarchs were left speechless."

The media also reports that Archbishop Elpidophoros, "after calming down a bit", told the Synod members: "Let us be loving and united because if the First falls (referring to himself, Elpidophoros – Ed.), everyone will fall."

At the same time, journalists claim that they know Patriarch Bartholomew recently summoned Archbishop Elpidophoros during the recent Synaxis of the Ecumenical Patriarchate at the Phanar to "issue him a warning" and give him "recommendations" to "rein in" the American hierarch.

Earlier, it was reported that the head of the Phanar Archdiocese in the U.S., Archbishop Elpidophoros (Lambriniadis), stated that "it seems that God brought Him here in order to be Patriarch for another 30 years."

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