Patriarch Bartholomew: Shooting Theotokos Icon in Switzerland is sacrilege

Sania Ameti. Photo: Catholic Arena

Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople condemned the incident in Switzerland, where in Zurich, a municipal council member shot at a copy of the icon of the Virgin Mary with the Child, reports The Orthodox Times.

During the celebration of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross on September 14, 2024, in Constantinople, Bartholomew stated: "This is not a form of freedom of expression, but an open act of sacrilege and vandalism. It not only deeply offends the faith of millions of Christians around the world but also deals a significant blow to modern European culture."

He noted that in a time of desacralization and even the insult of religious symbols under the pretext of a misunderstood freedom, such actions "starkly reveal" an abuse of that very freedom. The Ecumenical Patriarchate also expressed support for the Metropolis of Switzerland "for the measured and condemnatory statement promptly issued on this matter".

As reported by the UOJ, Swiss politician Sania Ameti, co-chair of the liberal movement Operation Libero, shot at an image of the Virgin Mary with the infant Jesus.

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