Media: OCU adepts from all over Ukraine brought to worship with Phanar head

Liturgy in St. Sophia of Kyiv. Photo:

Supporters of the OCU from all over Ukraine were brought to Kyiv on August 22 for the liturgy at St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, which was officiated by Patriarch Bartholomew together with the head of the OCU Epiphany Dumenko, according to the telegram channel Klymenko Time.

“Reportedly, the departure of the OCU supporters to Kyiv from a number of regions of Ukraine is underway. To the Divine Liturgy with Bartholomew. In total, it is anticipated to gather about 4 thousand people in the capital,” the newspaper reports.

The supporters were brought from almost all regions of Ukraine, with the exception of Kherson, Transcarpathian, Kirovograd, Odessa, Sumy, Lugansk regions.

“It’s small wonder given how the faithful of the UOC met Bartholomew near the Rada yesterday,” the newspaper concluded.

As the UOJ previously reported, fish or meat? The network is discussing the Lent meal of the top hierarchy of the OCU and the head of Phanar.

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