Met. Luke: The country whose interests UOC represents is the Kingdom of God

Metropolitan Luke (Kovalenko) of Zaporizhzhia and Melitopol. Photo:

The country whose interests are represented by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church is called the Kingdom of God, writes Metropolitan Luke (Kovalenko) of Zaporizhzhia and Melitopol on his Telegram channel in response to the statement of Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople that the UOC cares about foreign interests rather than church criteria.

The hierarch noted that Patriarch Bartholomew himself "did not even think to hide the fact that he is one of the main agents of influence" in Ukraine, and his current arrival on the country's main political holiday at the invitation of government officials and the way they receive him here testifies that "It's not about religion, it's about politics".

“At the same time, he says about you and me, about millions of believers, citizens of our Motherland, that we represent “foreign interests” here. I would like to clarify that the country whose interests we represent is called the Kingdom of God, and the faithful children of the UOC are in fact citizens of this Kingdom,” Metropolitan Luke emphasized.

As reported, on August 21, UOC believers gathered for the prayer standing at the Verkhovna Rada in Kyiv to testify to their faith and show the Phanar head that his idea of the church situation in Ukraine has nothing to do with reality. The UOJ is broadcasting the event online.

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