Police find poster urging authorities to respect law provocative

UOC cleric Father Sergiy at the prayer standing near the Verkhovna Rada. Photo: a screenshot of the video from the “1Kozak” Youtube channel

The believers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, who are standing in prayer near the Verkhovna Rada, reported about attempts by police officers to take away posters with an appeal to the authorities not to violate the laws and the Constitution as law enforcement officers considered them provocative. The priest of the UOC Father Sergiy told about this on the "1Kozak" Youtube channel.

According to him, when the believers went to the prayer standing under the walls of the Verkhovna Rada, where Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople is to meet with President Vladimir Zelensky and Head of Parliament Dmitry Razumkov, law enforcement officers tried to take the posters from them. “They say that these are provocative posters. They simply say: "Do not violate the laws and the Constitution, do not violate our rights," Father Sergius said. “Is this a provocation? We urge both the authorities and our opponents to this.”

After a conversation with the police, who took pictures of the posters and sent the pictures somewhere, we were allowed to take them to the prayer standing near the VR.

As reported, the UOJ is livestreaming the arrival of Patriarch Bartholomew and the prayer standing of the UOC under the walls of the Verkhovna Rada.

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