Konotop UOC Eparchy expresses condolences to Russian attack victims

On September 14, a day of mourning was declared in Konotop. Photo: rbc.ua

During the night attack by Russia on the city of Konotop in the Sumy region from September 11 to 12, 14 people were injured, and one man died in the hospital from his injuries. Infrastructure, kindergartens, a school, a hospital, and apartment buildings were destroyed.

"On behalf of the Konotop Diocesan Administration, I express my sorrow and condolences to all those affected by this night attack, and I have already blessed the collection of funds to help the victims," Metropolitan Roman of Konotop and Hlukhiv addressed the residents of Konotop.

The bishop noted that many were forced to move to temporary housing, as it is impossible to live in the destroyed buildings. A large number of Konotop residents have both physical and psychological injuries.

"Our churches are always open to everyone seeking help or comfort. The pain of each person, their misfortune, is our shared pain and collective misfortune," the message says. "I urge all Konotop residents not to stand aside from this tragedy, as it could happen to anyone. I bless all the faithful of the Konotop diocese to take part in alleviating the aftermath of the night attack. I also ask the clergy to offer special prayers for the victims and for our Ukrainian military. I condemn all those who have encroached upon the sacred, who kill and maim people, who take away what no one has the right to take – life."

The metropolitan wished all the victims God's help in enduring these hardships: "May God bless you and grant a speedy return to peaceful skies."

As previously reported by the UOJ, prayers were offered for RF airstrike victims in the UOC Cathedral in Sumy.

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