Patriarch Bartholomew: Epiphany is an effective leader, we trust him

Denis Shmyhal, Epiphany Dumenko and Patriarch Bartholomew. Photo:

Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople said that Epiphany Dumenko is an effective leader who is trusted in the Phanar, reports Ukrinform.

According to Patriarch Bartholomew, "Epiphany is a reasonable primate who knows how to manage church affairs effectively and in the spirit of the canonical tradition of Orthodoxy".

The Patriarch of Constantinople said that the Phanar has confidence in Dumenko and “favobrable hope” for the future of the OCU.

The head of the Phanar called on Epiphany "to continue following the straight path, which is the only one leading to the teaching of believers and unity".

As reported, according to Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, those who oppose the "autocephaly" of the OCU do not know what autocephaly means.

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