Bulgarian Church awards Patriarch Bartholomew for overcoming the schism

Patriarchs Bartholomew of Constantinople and Daniel of Bulgaria during the enthronement. Photo: Glasove

The Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church awarded Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople and Metropolitan Gregory Papathomas of Peristeri for their contributions to overcoming the church schism, according to the BOC's official website.

This decision was made unanimously after reviewing the proposals of Metropolitans Nicholas of Plovdiv and Seraphim of Nevrokop.

The Holy Synod decided to honor Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople and Metropolitan Gregory of Peristeri with the Order of St. John of Rila, 1st degree, which is the highest award of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church.

The Synod also expressed gratitude to Metropolitan Gregory Papathomas of Peristeri for his invaluable contribution to the recognition of the canonical status of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church.

The Synod acknowledged Metropolitan Gregory Papathomas' efforts as one of the key factors that enabled the Bulgarian Church to successfully overcome long-standing internal conflicts and restore its canonical unity.

As the UOJ previously reported, Bulgarian Patriarch Daniel called for prayers for the preservation of the UOC.

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