Ukrainian MP responds to Karas' threats to terrorize UOC believers

Dmytruk on Karas' statements: "The horror lies in the fact that these people work for the government." Photo: Youtube video screenshot

Artem Dmytruk recorded a video in which he commented on the appeal of the C14 leader, Yevhen Karas, to his followers, calling for a "crusade" against believers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

"Far-right Karas announced a campaign to exterminate believers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. This is a public admission of preparing an act of terror against millions of peaceful citizens. These are calls for the genocide of Christians in the 21st century, right in the heart of Europe," the MP wrote on his Telegram channel.

Dmytruk draws attention to the fact that Karas openly claims to be acting in collusion with the Ukrainian government and law enforcement agencies.

"And, of course, such an idea couldn't have come out of nowhere. The author of yet another repression against Orthodox believers is the President's Office," he added.

In his commentary, Artem Dmytruk calls the far-right leader the "voice and hands of the President's Office."

According to him, in addition to publicly admitting the preparation of acts of terror against peaceful citizens loyal to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Karas also admits to forming an organized criminal group that, "judging by his hints, is planning to physically destroy churches or church property, involving state authorities in the crimes."

"This means there is a conspiracy with the authorities and law enforcement agencies, through which Karas promises his accomplices impunity, as the terror, in their view, will occur in a legal form," Dmitruk said.

He reported that he is drafting a parliamentary appeal to document this event.

Noting that the leader of C14 and his "gang" are "ordinary terrorists and ideological enemies of democracy and the Church in our country," the MP states: "The horror lies in the fact that these people work for the government."

In his view, this indicates that there will be more attacks on believers, churches, and Orthodox people in general in Ukraine.

"For me, this means only one thing – an even more accelerated process of ending the dictatorship in our country," the MP concluded, suggesting that in this way, the government is streamlining its own downfall.

As the UOJ previously reported, Dmytruk stated that there is an attempt in Ukraine to uproot the culture, faith, and traditions of society.

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