Court extends pre-trial detention of UOJ journalist Andriy Ovcharenko

Andriy Ovcharenko in court. Photo: UOJ

On September 11, 2024, the Solomiansky District Court of Kyiv considered a petition by SBU investigator O. Savenko to extend the pre-trial detention of Orthodox journalist Andriy Ovcharenko. According to a UOJ correspondent, Judge O. Mozolevska granted the prosecution's request, despite the fact that the investigator had previously been removed from the case.

"Currently, the body initiating the extension (of pre-trial detention, – Ed.) is illegitimate in this criminal case," the journalist's defense attorney pointed out to the judge. He suggested postponing the hearing for 72 hours or more to correct this procedural flaw.

However, the judge proceeded to consider the petition from Investigator Savenko, who had been removed from the case on September 9 due to bias, and extended Andriy Ovcharenko's detention by another two months.

The defense also requested the prosecutor's removal, arguing that the case materials presented by the prosecution disclosed the personal data of participants, which should only be accessible to the judges.

Judge Mozolevska ignored this violation as well and rejected the defense's request.

During the hearing, Andriy Ovcharenko once again pointed out the lack of concrete evidence from the prosecution. The UOJ journalist also explained to the judge that he has been suffering from serious spinal problems for several years, and according to medical advice, he needs to maintain his health with medication and various specialized preventive treatments.

"They have stolen six months of my life, my health has deteriorated," he said. Ovcharenko added that he has been unable to undergo an MRI procedure for four months. His transportation to a medical facility was ignored three times. On one occasion, he was taken out of the pre-trial detention center only to be immediately brought back. The convoy informed him that the decision had been canceled.

The journalist asked the judge to consider his lawyers' petition regarding his medical care and to grant his right to receive the necessary medical treatment.

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As the UOJ previously reported, UOJ journalists have written to U.S. Senator James Vance.

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