Orthodox Church commemorates the beheading of John the Baptist

Icon: "The Beheading of John the Baptist". Photo: foma.ru

On September 11 (August 29, according to the old calendar), the Orthodox Church commemorates the Beheading of the Prophet, Forerunner, and Baptist of the Lord, John.

This day marks the remembrance of New Testament events as described in the 14th chapter of the Gospel of Matthew and the 6th chapter of the Gospel of Mark.

John the Baptist, who foretold the coming of the Messiah and baptized Jesus Christ in the Jordan River, was imprisoned on the orders of King Herod Antipas.

Herod ruled in Galilee at the time, and the great prophet denounced the sins and misdeeds of Herod and his court. Although Herod feared executing John, whom the people greatly revered, Herod’s wife, Herodias, who was living with him unlawfully, conspired with her daughter Salome to force the king to kill the prisoner.

At a feast, Salome danced for Herod, pleasing him so much that he vowed in front of his guests to give her anything she desired. At her mother’s urging, Salome requested the head of John the Baptist on a platter, and Herod reluctantly fulfilled her request. Thus, the prophet met a martyr’s death.

Divine judgment befell Herod, Herodias, and Salome during their earthly lives.

While crossing the Sikaris River in winter, Salome fell through the ice, which severed her neck. Her body was lost, but her head was brought to Herod and Herodias, just as John's head had once been presented.

King Aretas of Arabia, the father of Herod’s lawful wife, waged war against Herod in revenge for his daughter’s dishonor. After suffering defeat, Herod incurred the wrath of Roman Emperor Caligula, who exiled him and Herodias to Gaul and later to Spain, where they were swallowed by the earth.

In remembrance of the beheading of John the Baptist, the Church has established a strict fast as an expression of Christians' sorrow over the violent death of the great Prophet. On this day, the faithful abstain from meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products. Food may only be seasoned with vegetable oil.

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