Catholic bishop apologizes to gays: We have caused you pain and distress

An RCC bishop in the United States serves Mass for gay and transgender people. Photo:

Auxiliary Bishop Ramon Bejarano of the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego, USA, apologized to homosexuals for the pain and distress the Church caused to many of them inflicted, as reported by

During an LGBT Mass at the Church of St. John the Evangelist, Ramon Bejarano, along with seven priests and two deacons, acknowledged the "the pain, the sorrow, the stigma and trauma that we have caused to others".

He then apologized to homosexuals "for the pain and distress that I and the Church have caused to many of you".

"I apologize for the stigmatization and trauma we have caused to others, because we have told them that they are not valued and that they are not worthy of the love of God," he upheld his thesis.

Bejarano also stated, "May those in the LGBTQ Community know God loves them for who they are and they are welcomed in our communities of faith. May those who have felt unwelcomed in the past, be embraced in our faith community today."

Earlier, the UOJ reported that the Catholic Church priests in Italy holds LGBT Masses on the beach.

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