Greek TikToker with 480,000 followers becomes a nun

Elena Mazlou. Photo:

23-year-old Greek blogger Elena Mazlou, who has nearly 480,000 followers on TikTok, has taken monastic vows, reports

Elena Mazlou gained widespread fame on TikTok through her videos, which often featured scenes from everyday life, beauty tips, fashion advice, and other topics of interest to young people.

Her videos garnered thousands of views, making Mazlou one of the most popular bloggers in Greece, with a significant influence on the youth.

However, Elena recently revealed that she had decided to take monastic vows. In one of her videos, she explained that this decision came after deep spiritual reflection.

According to her, she felt the need to step away from the fame and publicity that TikTok brought her in order to focus on her religious faith and seek inner peace.

Her decision to share her thoughts on the path to monasticism attracted significant attention, and many of Elena’s followers expressed admiration and support for her choice.

At the same time, some users expressed surprise that such a young and successful woman, with so much potential and so many opportunities, chose to give it all up to dedicate her life to monasticism.

Others noted that her decision is personal and that everyone has the right to follow the path they believe is right for themselves.

Upon taking her monastic vows, she adopted the name Ipomoni (Greek: ῾Υπομονή), which translates to "patience".

Previously, the UOJ reported that one of Georgia's most popular male models, Lasha Bordzikuli, became a monk at the age of 21.

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