Journalists from UOJ write to U.S. Senator James Vance

Journalists from the UOJ at a court session on August 19 in T-shirts with a quote from Vance. Photo: Persecution in Ukraine

The Co-Chair of the Federation of Young Republicans of the USA, Catherine Whiteford, published letters from Orthodox journalists, who have been held in pre-trial detention for more than six months, addressed to U.S. Senator from Ohio, James David Vance, on her "X" account.

In her post, the politician urged the public to spread the UOJ journalists' letters so that they could be seen by federal representatives.

Addressing the U.S. senator, Andriy Ovcharenko emphasized that, instead of the democratic values declared by the government, corruption, persecution of dissent, and total dictatorship are flourishing in Ukraine.

"In March 2024, the SBU detained me, two other UOJ staff members – Valeriy Stupnytsky and Volodymyr Bobechko, as well as priest Sergiy Chertilin on baseless and fabricated charges. For almost five months, we have been sitting behind bars, torn from life, deprived of contact with our families, and left without hope for a fair trial. The Ukrainian authorities do not imprison raiders who illegally seize churches, beat priests, and terrorize Christians. In fact, they turn a blind eye to that. Instead, they silence us, the journalists who tell the world about it," Ovcharenko wrote in July of this year.

Valeriy Stupnytsky noted that Orthodox journalists are being held without trial and are being judged for the same thoughts and statements that J. D. Vance freely voiced in the U.S. Senate in April 2024.

"We are being charged with completely redidculous accusations. For example, our criminal case includes UOJ publications quoting journalist Tucker Carlson, politicians Vivek Ramaswamy and Tulsi Gabbard about the persecution of Christians by the Zelensky regime. The prosecution claims that their words are 'manipulations and disinformation' that benefit Russia. On this basis, we are accused of treason," he noted. "Our country is fighting for democracy, condemning the crimes of the totalitarian Soviet regime in words, when priests were shot and journalists were thrown into prisons. However, something painfully similar is happening in Ukraine now," the UOJ journalist added.

The Orthodox journalist explains that he has been incarcerated for several months, as has the abbot of the Sviatohirsk Lavra, Metropolitan Arseniy, on absurd charges. The abbot of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, Metropolitan Pavel, and the Cherkasy Metropolitan Theodosiy are currently under house arrest.

"Mr. Vance, the United States has always been a role model of democracy, protection of human rights, and freedom of religion for the whole world. In words, the Ukrainian authorities adhere to these same principles, but in reality, the situation is a far cry from these principles. The criminal cases against priests, bishops, and journalists are fabrications and a disgrace, unthinkable in the democratic world of the 21st century. I am asking for your assistance and help in freeing innocent Orthodox Christians in Ukraine!" Stupnytsky's letter concludes.

As the UOJ previously reported, UOJ journalists came to court wearing T-shirts with a quote from Vance about the persecution of the UOC.

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