RCC bishop on "blessing" of gays: There is no right answer to this question

A homosexual couple receiving a "blessing". Photo: irp.news

Catholic Cardinal, Archbishop of Vienna, and Primate of Austria Christoph Schönborn believes that the Roman Catholic Church has shown its helplessness in facing the problem of "blessing" gay marriages.

In an interview with the German Catholic publication 'Die Tagespost', Cardinal Schönborn commented on the "partial permission to bless couples" in so-called non-canonical situations.

The Cardinal noted that by issuing a document allowing priests to "bless" homosexual couples, and then issuing a "clarification" of this document, the Catholic Church "demonstrated its helplessness in the face of this problem."

"In my opinion, these texts are built on shaky ground. We are facing a question that cannot have a right answer!" stated Schönborn.

According to him, "the path that Pope Francis shows is one of discernment and an attempt to see what the Lord is showing us."

On the other hand, he said, "the trouble with the German Synod of the RCC" lies in its desire for sharp and clear answers. However, "clarity doesn't work in real life," Schönborn believes.

Earlier, it was reported that a Catholic diocese in Austria displayed the LGBT flag on its cathedral.

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