In Switzerland, a politician shoots at an icon of Virgin Mary and Christ

Sania Ameti. Photo: Catholic Arena

Sania Ameti, co-chair of the liberal movement Operation Libero in Switzerland, shot at an image of the Virgin Mary with the infant Jesus, reports Catholic Arena. This incident sparked heated debates, and the politician later issued an apology.

In a post that was later deleted, Ameti published two photos. In the first, she posed while pointing a gun, with the caption "Abschalten" (which means "turn off" or "disconnect" in German). However, the main source of outrage was the second image, where the target was a sacred depiction of the Madonna and Child, taken from an art catalog. According to Ameti, the choice of the image had neither religious nor provocative intent. "I just needed a noticeable target to shoot from 10 meters," she explained, adding that she did not consider the content of the image. "It was a mistake, and I sincerely regret if anyone felt offended."

After the post was published, the Blick newspaper requested a comment from Ameti. Eventually, she deleted her post and issued a public apology through her social media. "What I did was absolutely foolish," she admitted, emphasizing that she had not realized the potential consequences of her actions. "I sincerely apologize to everyone who may have been offended by my actions."

As the UOJ previously reported, the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris caused international outrage due to a "drag show" that parodied Leonardo da Vinci's painting 'The Last Supper'.

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