MEP: Law banning the UOC does not comply with EU standards

Petar Volgin. Photo: bgnews

Bulgarian Member of the European Parliament from the Europe of Sovereign Nations Group, Petar Volgin, sent a request to the European Commission expressing concerns about Ukraine's new law 8371 concerning religious organizations. He pointed out that this law could violate fundamental human rights.

“There are serious concerns that this law violates basic human rights, threatening religious freedoms. The law was passed in violation of Article 10 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, which guarantees people's right to practice their religion and beliefs,” Volgin stated.

He also addressed the European Commission with a question on whether it plans to consider these violations when discussing Ukraine’s potential accession to the European Union. Volgin demanded clarification on how the European Commission intends to establish that restrictions on religious organizations in Ukraine are not discriminatory and align with fundamental "European values".

As reported by the UOJ, newly elected Romanian Member of the European Parliament Diana Shoshoake stated in her first speech that she would bring a priest to bless the offices and cleanse this legislative body of the European Union of devils.

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